Jizzax arxitektura va qurilish texnikumida «Navruz sayli» tashkil etildi.

2023-yil 15-mart kuni Jizzax arxitektura va qurilish texnikumida «Navruz sayli» tashkil etildi.Tadbirga Jizzax shahar hokimi Xolmurodov Komil Adxamovich tashrif buyurib talabalar bilan uchrashdi va navro’z bayrami bilan tabrikladi.

50 комментариев к “Jizzax arxitektura va qurilish texnikumida «Navruz sayli» tashkil etildi.”

  1. I would like to know if there is a way to post short stories, and ongoing episodes for a story online and that it gets legitimate copyright on a site. I want to avoid sending my material to get copyright each time I make an update to my stories. The bottom line is that I want to enjoy getting online feedback and not get stolen from..

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