Germaniya metodikasi bo‘yicha professional ta’lim muassasalar o‘qituvchilari o‘qitilmoqda

Jizzax arxitektura va qurilish texnikumida Joriy yil 25-apreldan, 3-mayga qadar Germaniyaning “German Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation” tashkiloti hamkorligida “Moliyaviy va tadbirkorlik ta’limi sahosida professional ta’lim muassasalari o‘qituvchilari hamda rahbarlarini o‘qitish va malakasini oshirish” loyhasi doirasida Jizzax viloyatidagi professional ta’lim
muassasalarining biznes va tadbirkorlik fani o‘qituvchilarini Germaniya metodikasi asosida o‘qitish tashkil etildi.

55 комментариев к “Germaniya metodikasi bo‘yicha professional ta’lim muassasalar o‘qituvchilari o‘qitilmoqda”

  1. I am apart of a commitee that is trying to start a clothing company. I am in charge of designing the clothing website because for right now you can only order stuff online. But I was just wondering how do you start a website for a clothing company? What are some good domain places to sign up for a domain..

  2. I have a wordpress blog with a lot of pictures hosted on third party websites. I want all the pictures to be hosted in my wordpress blogs. I don’t want to manually download all pictures and replace them in the posts, i need something to do that automatically..

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